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How does a live streamed AGM differ from a traditional one?

Live streamed AGMs, at their core, maintain the essence of their traditional counterparts but take place in a virtual space. Instead of gathering shareholders and stakeholders in a physical location, participants join remotely via a digital platform. The focus remains on discussing yearly reports, achievements, and future strategies but with the added convenience and global accessibility of online streaming.

What are the benefits of live streaming an AGM?

Live streaming an AGM offers numerous advantages. It eliminates geographical barriers, allowing for broader participation. Cost savings are evident as there’s no need for venue hire or catering. Moreover, the digital format can lead to increased engagement through interactive tools and real-time analytics, offering a contemporary touch to the traditional meeting structure.

How can we ensure that all shareholders can access the live streamed AGM?

Accessibility is key. Prior to the AGM, providing clear instructions, tech support, and test runs can help shareholders get familiar with the platform. Offering multiple viewing options, such as through a dedicated app or browser, can cater to varied tech proficiencies. Additionally, ensuring that the platform is mobile-responsive can allow shareholders to join from any device.

How do we manage voting during a live streamed AGM?

Digital platforms catering to live streamed AGMs often incorporate secure voting mechanisms. These tools allow shareholders to cast votes in real-time during the meeting, maintaining the democratic essence of AGMs. It’s essential to choose a platform that offers encrypted, transparent, and auditable voting options to maintain integrity.

Can shareholders ask questions during the live stream?

Absolutely! Engaging with shareholders is paramount. Many live stream platforms feature live chat or dedicated Q&A segments where shareholders can voice concerns or seek clarifications. Assigning a moderator to filter and present these questions ensures smooth interaction and keeps the dialogue constructive.

How do we ensure the security and confidentiality of a live streamed AGM?

Security is paramount. Opting for platforms with robust encryption, secure login mechanisms, and anti-hacking features is essential. Additionally, setting up a registration or invitation-only access can further safeguard the event. Regularly updating software and conducting vulnerability assessments can also bolster security levels.

What are the technical prerequisites for hosting a smooth live streamed AGM?

A stable internet connection, preferably wired, is foundational. Employing professional-grade cameras and microphones ensures audio-visual clarity. Utilising a reliable streaming platform with ample bandwidth to accommodate all attendees is also vital. Pre-event technical rehearsals can help identify and rectify potential glitches.

How do we archive the proceedings of the live streamed AGM?

Digital platforms often provide recording functionalities. Archiving the AGM allows shareholders who couldn’t attend live to catch up later. Post-event, this recording can be stored securely on the company’s website or a dedicated portal, ensuring accessibility while also maintaining privacy.

Can external media access the live streamed AGM?

This depends on the company’s discretion. Some companies may choose to grant access to journalists or industry analysts, while others may restrict it to shareholders and stakeholders. If external access is allowed, a separate virtual “press room” can be created to provide additional resources and facilitate interviews.

What if there’s a technical disruption during the AGM?

It’s wise to anticipate potential hiccups. Having a tech support team on standby can quickly address minor glitches. For significant disruptions, communicating transparently with attendees, perhaps through an alternate communication channel, can maintain trust. A backup streaming server or a contingency plan ensures continuity in unforeseen circumstances.